Media We Use

Today in our Cybersmart lesson we were thinking about Media, what it is, where we see it and what we use.

Then we used Canva and created a video about the media we use. We had to search for icons or images. We added them and thought about animating them so they move and catch our eye. We added a background that fits and doesn’t take over the design. And we also added audio.

Here is some of our mahi. Do you use some of the media we do? Which one do you use the most?

Gabriella’s mahi

Hargun’s mahi


We have been learning about Moas this term. We read books earlier and we created a painting of a Moa that is the real size of one. You can see our painting here.

Today we did an online quiz in Blooket. We played it 2 ways.

The first way was all together as a class. Speed and accuracy gained points. Here is our result.

Ka pai tō mahi Shanvi!

Then we played it in Homework mode. We played individually but still competed against the class. We had to level up by answering questions correctly and completing stages.

Here is the leaderboard at the end of today. Oh look! Shanvi is at the top again! Ka mau te wehi!

Korero in Scratch Jnr

For 2 weeks we have been using Scratch Jnr on our iPads to create projects we here we koereo Māori.

We made our sprites meet and greet each other. One sprite says “Ko wai tō ingoa?” and the other sprite replies “Ko ___ tōku ingoa”.

We had fun making our sprites move. Some of us chose sprites where we could put our faces into the character.

We had to screen record on or iPds then upload the video into our Drive. Phew! What a lots of steps!

Here is some of our mahi.









School Pepeha

We will soon be giving our speeches in the school speech competition. We start our speech with the school pepeha.

We used the slide below to listen and practise saying the pepeha.

Then we practised in Explain Everything. We recorded ourselves saying the pepeha.

Here is some of our mahi. Tino kino te pai! | Wicked

Gabriella’s Pepeha

Eliana’s Pepeha

Buggingham Palace

Have you heard of Buckingham Palace? That is where the King of England lives in London.

Well – we have got Buggingham Palace at our school. We have built a bug motel as part of our Enviro School project. You can read about us building it here.

Because this week is Conservation Week, today in our Cybersmart lesson we took photos of Buggingham Palace, we recorded ourselves talking about it and then put them together in iMovies on our iPads.

What action do you take for nature?

Here is some of our mahi.

Giant Moas

Did you know that Giant Moas used to live in New Zealand? We have been learning about Moa in Room 7.
We painted a Moa that is the size it was when it walked and lived on our land.

You can see how big it is with Evie standing beside it. And here is a photo of our class with our finished Moa.
Today in or Cybersmart lesson we learned how to add “picture in picture” in iMovies. We inserted the photo we have taken with our camera app into the movie. We used our camera app to record ourselves talking about Moa then inserted it into our iMovie as “picture in picture”.

We know lots! What do you know about Moa? Watch our movies and see if you can find some new information.

Shapes In Our Classroom

Last week we took photos of 2D and 3D shapes in our classroom. We found lots! We used our iPads to take the photos. Then we learned how to edit the photos ready for this week.

This week we used iMovies to make a video with our photos.

We learned how to start a new project, select photos, make a title page, add audio. We saved our work to our folder in Google Drive – we are getting really good at doing this!

Here is some of our mahi. Can you name the shapes in the videos?

Geoboard Stars & Patterns

Today in our Cybersmart lesson we explored Geoboard – an online tool. Room 7 created stars in Geoboard on their iPads. They used a QR Code to open the web app on their iPads. Here is the QR Code if you want to go to Geoboard. Use your camera and point it at this QR Code. Your Chromebook camera will scan this if that is the device you are using.

When Room 7 had created their star by making 2 triangles they had to take a screenshot, crop their screenshot and upload their screenshot to their folder in Drive.

Then they explored Geoboard and made a pattern using one of the 3 boards.

They had to take a screenshot of their new design, crop the screenshot and upload it to Drive.

Take a look at the stars and patterns Room 7 have made.

What pattern would you make?

Matariki Stars

This week in our Cybersmart lesson we used Explain Everything to create stars.

We used shapes to make a 6 pointed star with 2 triangles. We learned how to make the triangle, how to colour the border and fill with the same colour, how to duplicate the triangle then rotate it and place it over the first triangle.

We also used the drawing tool to make a 5 pointed star without lifting our finger off the screen. Can you do this?

We used Unsplash to search for a night sky background. And some of us discovered Giffy to find a moving rocket to put in our space picture.

Here is David’s mahi:

The Eyes of Tāwhirimātea

Matariki is in July this year. Today we read a story about “The Eyes of Tāwhirimātea”. Then we learned hoe to use a QR Code that is on our class site here to download an Explain Everything project to do about the story.

If you are using iPads you can use the QR Code as well and see the mahi we started today. There are instructions on how to download the project on our class site to help you.

Room 7 will carry on working on the project during the week.

Here is the story for you to read.